Marlborough Road Methodist Church
Our church is, above all, about worshiping God in an inclusive environment with a warm welcome and a strong fellowship. Our Minister, Rev David Alderman,would be glad to talk with you if you have a special need. Email him on super@banburycircuit.org.uk
Our services are streamed to YouTube so you can access them via our Circuit website https://banburycircuit.org.uk/live
Sunday morning Services
We have a weekly service at 10.30am every week. These are led by Ministers and our trained Local Preachers. Since the covid outbreak we have been streaming our services to YouTube and continue to do so. Whilst we do try not to show people without their permission if this is a problem for you you need to be aware we do this.
Other Methodist services in the area
Details of weekly services in the Methodist churches across our circuit can be got via our Circuit Plan and this is available from our Circuit website; https://banburycircuit.org.uk/pages/circuit-resources/#plans
Church Choir
Membership of the choir entails a small amount of time that gives a large amount of satisfaction in knowing that one has contributed to the enrichment and enlivenment of the worship. Loyalty, quality and music ability is desirable to ensure that a worthwhile contribution is forthcoming thus providing a positive lead to the singing and music in worship. New members are always welcome
Thursday morning coffee & Holy Communion
You may be thinking ‘what an odd mix!’ Let’s explain. Thursday is market day in Banbury. Marlborough Road Church is open from 10.00am until 11.30 serving tea and coffee and providing the venue for a chat
At 11.00am there is a service of Holy Communion held in the Wesley Room led in turn by our ministers. We spend considerable time remembering people and situations and bringing them to God in prayer. There is always a sermon and usually a good discussion as well! The service lasts about 45 minutes, it is very informal and is a great source of encouragement and support to many.
Church Social Club
We meet every Wednesday in the hall between 7.00pm and 10.00pm. Age is no barrier our members ranging from children to 70 year olds.
The club was set up with the aim of providing somewhere for people to meet fellow Christians on a social basis and has proved very helpful for new Church members and single people. Most of the year we play badminton, table tennis and darts but are quite happy to extend this to board and card games if people wish. The important thing is to meet people and get to know them. In the summer we go out for short walks in the countryside and also enjoy theatre trips and meals out.
Contact: Tony Giles tel: 01295 252430